I. The Lamb (Revelation 1:9-20)
II. The Lamb and the Churches (2:1 to 3:22)
1. Ephesus: Loyal but Lacking, 2:1-7
2. Smyrna: Suffering Saints, 2:8-11
3. Pergamum: Hell's Headquarters, 2:12-17
4. Thyatira: Wait for the Star, 2:18-29
5. Sardis: Dead or Alive? 3:1-6
6. Philadelphia: The Church with an Open Door, 3:7-13
7. Laodicea: The Church with a Closed Door, 3:14-22
III. The Lamb and the Sealed Book (Revelation 4:1 to 5:14)
1. The Reigning God, 4:1-11
2. The Redeeming Lamb, 5:1-14
IV, The Lamb Opens the Seals (Revelation 6:1 to 11:19)
1. The First Seal, White Horse: Conquest, 6:1-2
2. The Second Seal, Red Horse: War, 6:3-4
3. The Third Seal, Black Horse: Famine, 6:5-6
4, The Fourth Seal, Pale Horse: Pestilence, 6:7-8
5. The Fifth Seal, Martyred Saints: Persecution, 6:9-11
6, The Sixth Seal, Earthquake: Judgment, 6:12-17
Provision for the Redeemed, 7:1-17
7 The Seventh Seal, Incense: Victory, 8:1-5
(1) The first trumpet: woe on land, 8:7
(2) The second trumpet: woe on sea, 8:8-9
(3) The third trumpet: woe on fresh water, 8:10-11
(4) The fourth trumpet: woe on heavenly bodies, 8:12
(5) The fifth trumpet: locusts, 9:1-12
(6) The sixth trumpet: Persian cavalry, 9:13-21
Announcement of Retribution, 10:1 to 11:13
(7) The seventh trumpet: God's covenant, 11:14-19
V. The Lamb and the Conflict (Revelation 12:1 to 20:10)
1. The Issue: Radiant Woman and Her Children, 12:1-2, 5-6, 14-17
2. The Forces at War:
(1) Forces of evil led by dragon, 12:3-4, 7-17
a. The first beast: Roman Emperor, 13:1-10, 18
b. The second beast: Committee to enforce emperor worship, 13:11-17
(2) Forces of righteousness led by God, 14:1-20
a. The Lamb: Christ, 14:1-13
b. The Sickle: Judgment, 14:14-20
Exultation of the redeemed, 15:1-8
3. The Bowls of Wrath, 16:1 to 20:10
(1) The first bowl: woes on land, 16:1-2
(2) The second bowl: oes on sea, 16:3
(3) The third bowl: woes on fresh waters, 16:4-7
(4) The fourth bowl: woes on sun, 16:8-9
(5) The fifth bowl: woe on Empire, 16:10-11
(6) The sixth bowl: woe on battlefield, 16:12
The three frogs: Satan's recruiting agents, 16:13-16
(7) The seventh bowl: woe on the air, 16:17 to 20:10
a. The scarlet woman: Rome, 17:1-18
b. The oracles of doom: Rome's allies, 18:1-20
c. The stone: destruction of municipal Rome, 18:21-24
d. The rejoicing saints, 19:1-10
e. The victorious warrior: Christ, 19:11 to 10:10
(a) Victory over first and second beasts, 19:19-20
(b) Victory over allies of the beast, 19:21
(c) Victory over Satan, 20:1-3
(d) Victory with the martyrs, 20:4-6
(e) Victory complete, 20:7-10
VI. The Lamb and Eternal Destiny (Revelation 20:11 to 22:5)
1. The Destiny of the Unredeemed, 20:11-15; 21:8, 27; 22:15
2. The Destiny of the Redeemed, 21:1 to 22:5
(1) Fellowship with God, 21:1-8
(2) Protection by God, 21:9-26
(3) Provisions from God, 22:1-5
Conclusion (Revelation 22:6-21)
Worthy Is the Lamb, Ray Summers
The Basis of Millennial Faith, Floyd E. Hamilton
Millennial Studies, George L. Murray
The Millennium in the Church, D. H. Kromminga
The Revelation of John, William Barclay
The Meaning and Message of the Book of Revelation, Edward A. McDowell